After my last article,I received some question regarding the construction site of the site of the former INF 130 dorm. I forwarded them to Mr Ridinger and I want to share his answers (the original dialog was in German):
Will the view be blocked by the new building?
The view will not affected by the new buildings. This can be seen by looking at the plans made by the "Universtätsbauamt" (~ university building authority).
When will the demolishing be finished?
The demolishing is progessing on schedule (planned end of July / beginning of August) and is almost finished (the mail is dated 25 July. As you can see, it is almost finished now ; note by the author).
Will the construction of the new building follow directly the demolition?
As soon as the corresponding permissions are on hand, excavation work will start this fall. Shell form work is planned for spring 2013.
Is it possible to give a more exact date than 2014 for the completion of the construction site?
According to current plans, end of 2014 is the scheduled end of construction work.
I want to thank Mr. Ridinger again for sharing this information with me.
Have a nice Sunday evening,